Kimberly Zhang

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Chief Editor of Under30CEO

Kimberly Zhang, president and editor in chief of Under30CEO, has a passion for educating the next generation of leaders.

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Growing a Business

4 Smart Ways to Keep Your Company Agile and Adaptable

By looking for methods to enhance and adapt, you can keep your company agile and adaptable in a constantly changing market.

Science & Technology

How Professionals Can Safeguard Their Business and Personal Data

Secure your information by following these tips and being proactive about safeguarding your data.


6 In-Person Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, networking isn't optional – it's part of your job. Here are some tips to help you make more meaningful connections.

Science & Technology

Exploring How Virtual Reality is Changing Startups

Virtual reality's immersive environment is where startup marketing is headed, and early adopters will be the ones who profit.

Starting a Business

How to Develop a Winner's Mentality for Entrepreneurial Success

The most resilient and psychologically sound entrepreneurs don't just think differently – they create their own realities through the power of their mental skills and energies.


Eliminate Busy Work and Become More Productive with These Task Management Tips

By organizing tasks, setting clear goals and using helpful tools, you can turn busy work into productive work.

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